Tracking Food Makes Me a Bitch!

So everyone knows how much we can learn from tracking our food using something like My Fitness Pal or other way of tracking our calories and macro/micro nutrients. But being very honest… I HATE IT!!

So everyone knows how much we can learn from tracking our food using something like My Fitness Pal or other way of tracking our calories and macro/micro nutrients. But being very honest… I HATE IT!!

When I am tracking food, I measure EVERYTHING! So if I make a snack and I decide to have a bowl of crackers, I counted out 16 crackers, they are already in My Fitness Pal and they are my crackers. Don’t you DARE come by and take one, even if you are my 4 year old kid! When I make dinner I have to put all the ingredients into the recipe builder and figure out how many servings it is, (because I can’t just search for the closest thing!) . I obsess over it and I get so grumpy about my food, and I don’t want to cook because I have to figure out exactly what the nutrition profile is.

No don’t get me wrong, I do track occasionally so I can check in and see what bad habits have crept in. I track to get myself back focused toward a goal. I track food to get myself back into a routine of good choices. But I don’t enjoy it so I don’t do it all the time! I know a lot of people who love it and it works for them, the key is knowing yourself. What motivates you, what discourages you and what can you do to meet yourself where you are.

So what do I do?

I track for a week, check in where I am, then know what to focus in on for the next few months. What does it usually come down to? I need more protein, less carbs and more water. So I focus in on the same 3 rules I give to my clients. Ask three questions every time I am going to eat…

1. Where is my Protein?
2. Where is my vegetable? (better to get carbs from vegetables)
3. Where is my water?

Making my meal and snack choices fit these three simple rules keeps me on track and moving toward my goals without threatening to injure people over an almond! What are your favorite strategies to keeping your nutrition in check?!

Ready to Work on your Nutrition in a Simple way without fixating on perfection?! Get Signed up for my Free 21 Day Nutrition Challenge!! Here is the link!

2 thoughts on “Tracking Food Makes Me a Bitch!

  1. I do the same! We went through a short period where we used a kitchen scale and measured portions, and honestly, it made even thinking about cooking exhausting.

    Every once in a while I will re-download My Fitness Pal onto my phone, track for a week, and just see where I am. If I’m cooking most of our meals all week, I’m usually doing fine. Spending too much time overthinking my food isn’t good for me, so I’d rather focus on eating what I know is the best for my body to keep me active.

    1. Exactly!! Good for you finding what works for you and sticking with it. Consistency will serve you far better than any drastic change! That is why I decided to do the 21-Day Nutrition Challenge! Teaching people how simple we can make nutrition and still have notable change/improvement!

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