Life Balance Does NOT = Perfection

In the past I have struggled to keep focus and direction with my workouts and fitness in general!  As a personal trainer I have hit points of burnout and lack of motivation.  As a mom

In the past I have struggled to keep focus and direction with my workouts and fitness in general!  As a personal trainer I have hit points of burnout and lack of motivation.  As a mom in general I have struggled keeping time set aside for me.  As an “athlete” I have struggled with not having a goal or event I was training for!  It truly is such a struggle trying to keep any level of balance in your life!  

Right now, with trying to get my online business growing, I find myself letting my workouts slip.  Putting them on the back burner to everything else, and just hyperfocus on my business goals!  I have to remind myself to take time for workouts and time for me! It isn’t always the worlds longest workout, sometimes it is only 20 minutes; but, you know what, you can accomplish a lot in 20 minutes. It is critical that we keep reminding ourselves our “Why”!  For me it is being the best version of myself for everyone I am around and being a good example for my kids and others!  

I am far from perfect, my priorities get completely out of balance, but isn’t that what balance is, recognizing it is out of whack and working to get it back in balance!  I mean really stand on one foot… don’t you have to make adjustments, shift your weight, make corrections so you don’t fall over?  And if you didn’t fall on your face wouldn’t we consider that “balance”.  That is why I have shifted a lot of my clients to setting realistic activity and nutrition goals for each week!  With my coaching club they are on a spreadsheet, and you get to check them off as you go!  Hey, use stickers if it motivates you, post the chart somewhere you see it often so you know your plan and can stay focused! Make an achievable plan for the week (seriously start with what you know you can do)!  Post that plan in a format that works for you (as I said above for me it is charts and stickers)!  Post it a variety of places so you SEE it!  And above all FIND YOUR WHY! 

I love fitness events to keep you focused but there is a fall off after each event, where you feel lost and often unmotivated.  Have a balance of goals (one can simply be hitting your daily step goal!) to get you through each week so you are always seeing some level of achievement!  And keeping your focused on enjoying the process instead of holding out for the end result! Let’s remind ourselves Balance does not mean that you are perfect, or that you never spend too much time working on one thing! It does not mean there are only productive days where everyone gets your attention except yourself. It simply means doing your best to find time for yourself, your responsibilities and the people you love!

Please reach out if you need help with this, lets figure out a way to stay excited on this never ending journey to become our Best Self!

If you are having a hard time finding balance between good nutrition and enjoying food, be sure to check out my Free 21-Day Nutrition Challenge Starting Monday March 11th!

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